PBS Nature 2014 “Leave it to Beavers”

PBS Nature 2014

I do not own this video ! for educational purpose only.

descent into the ice – nova (documentary). thanks for watching history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature geographic e…

18 Replies to “PBS Nature 2014 “Leave it to Beavers””

William Misek
February 27, 2015
Lets get some of these "damn" beavers over to California. These "damn" animals could provide some serious relief for the procession of droughts Ca. is inflicted with. If they can change a desert, they can change the landscape of so many dry lands. Lets start working with nature to provide a cure for itself!
nicole splater
February 27, 2015
Beavers ARE so cute!!!! I love them!! Those sounds they make...ugh!! I am still sobbing over the fact that Timber was "tossed around like a football" by those teenage boys. Why are humans so mean? Makes me so sad :(
February 27, 2015
Is anyone else really high right now?
February 27, 2015
10:14 "what the hell is the problem here?.. what they do again?, what they did again"?... LOL
Gabe mouritsen
February 27, 2015
Any straight man loves beaver, that's why being gay is a sin.
David Goodman
February 27, 2015
they is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute awww i wuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv em
Andrius Vabalas
February 27, 2015
I did not know much about beavers, but social, cooperative nature of these animals and long maturation (2 years) impresses me. Rodents are not that simple as they might seem. The sounds baby beavers make are also so adorable:)
Ehrin Lloyd
February 27, 2015
I know how they could control these pests naturally and without firing a shot. Just introduce a couple of alligators into each of their ponds. Hey... the animal rights coo-coos shouldn't have any gripes about it. Totally natural and no human being is messing up the place by leaving their "footprint" on the scene (as if we don't have every right as fellow inhabits of planet earth to leave our dad-blame "footprint" wherever the hell we choose......)
February 27, 2015
Thanks for uploading! What a great video. Who knew beavers were such fascinating creatures! And brilliant story-telling all the way through: my dog and I were both nervous wrecks at Timber's disappearance.
Darris B. Nelson
February 27, 2015
Michele LaClaire is a brilliant and creative thinker. Truly ingenious! Give this man a problem and he'll find a solution. Sherri Tippie is another amazing, beautiful person. Michele Grant's dedication to rehabbing Timber is heart warming. Loved this program, I learned so much. Interesting how we malign the beaver while protecting cattle who overgraze and destroy the landscape and suck up precious water, trample banks of creeks and rivers and pollute our waterways . . .
Bella Snid
February 27, 2015
Beavers - look to them for salvation to drought stricken land. Watch and share----- 
Adam Knutson
February 27, 2015
These kinds of documentaries are some of my favorites.
Blanca W
February 27, 2015
00:54 LMAO! LOVE HER. "I a'm a hairdresser, honey! I like flushing toilets and HBO!"
Darlene Ferree
February 27, 2015
remarkable animals-great film
Brandon Pines
February 27, 2015
thank you, i love it
Theresa St. Amant
February 27, 2015
If I told you it was possible to do an 80 foot cold water dive on Mont Blanc in the Alps, would you believe it? Believe it. This video follows the dive crew into the depths. 
larry gibbs
February 27, 2015
amazing documentary! complete with a frenchman expounding "oh shit"
david souza
February 27, 2015
awesome video glued to the TV thank you !!!!