In the summer months, rosé wine really comes in to its own – designed to sip chilled looking out at a beautiful vista, it’s a drink popular all over the world. No surprise then, that it’s become the new “cool” thing to pair with foodstuffs. And as always, New York is ahead of the curve, with sweet boutique Sugarfina announcing their very own rosé-infused gummy bears this week.



Mixed with the delightful Whispering Angel wine from The Hamptons, the soft candies come shaped as bears and as roses, and promise to be a classy alternative to your regular sweet treats. Sugarfina’s rosé gummy bear preview sold out in two hours earlier this week and crashed the brand’s website. There was a list of 400 New Yorkers waiting to get their paws on the sweeties, and they’ve promised another exclusive pre-sale very soon. On the Upper East Side in Manhattan, the candy boutique also stocks scotch, champagne and beer flavoured gummies and sells their wares by the cube. A cube of rosé gummy bears will set you back $8.50.