Why Azerbaijan is asking tourists to “take another look”

Azerbaijan is one of the fastest-growing tourist destinations in the world, but the country stills remains off-the-beaten-path for even the most avid travelers. But now, the country is urging travelers to “take another look” and consider planning a trip to the ‘Land of Fire’.

The Flame Towers and Sehidler Xiyabani Mosque at night in Baku, Azerbaijan. Image by Ayhan Altun/Getty Images

The Azerbaijan Tourism Board launched its new “Take a Look” campaign aimed at doubling the number of tourists heading to the country by 2023. Last year, Azerbaijan introduced a new online visa system to issue single-entry, 30-day e-visas to people of 81 different nationalities, including from the US, the UK, Canada, New Zealand, many EU countries, and nations in the Middle East, Asia, Central and South America. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan also simplified their visa processes, making the whole region easier for international travellers to explore.

The natural beauty of Azerbaijan. Image by Azerbaijan Tourism Board

The plan is ideal for anyone who wants to explore the ancient Silk Road cities found in Central Asia. Azerbaijan may also be particularly attractive to travellers next year, as it will hold high-profile sporting events like the Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix and UEFA Europe League Final in 2019.

Azerbaijan’s economic boom comes courtesy of its oil industry, and the capital of Baku has seen incredible modern buildings spring up around its Unesco-listed core. But once you leave the cities, you will be able to explore rural villages, hiking through the wilds of the incredible Great Caucasus Mountains and so much more.

Azerbaijan has also seen massive growth in visitors at 20%. ©Christiaan van Heijst/500px Image by ©Christiaan van Heijst/500px

“’Take another look’ unlocks Azerbaijan’s unique stories and secrets. The Azerbaijani people are excited to share their culture, cuisine and country with visitors. For thousands of years, the paths running through Azerbaijan have hosted many a traveller, trader and guest”, said Florian Sengstschmid, CEO of Azerbaijan Tourism Board, in a statement.

Right now, three-quarters of travelers visiting Azerbaijan are from neighbouring Russia, Georgia, Iran, Turkey and the UAE. However, the country is looking to lure in more people from Europe, the Middle East, China, Central and Southeast Asia. Want to learn more about travelling to Azerbaijan? Find out here.

Source Article from https://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/2018/11/09/travel-azerbaijan-tourism/
Why Azerbaijan is asking tourists to “take another look”
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